Baked trout with vegetables and rucola
Baking fish wrapped in foil is an excellent idea, because flavors are much more intense and the meat is more tender. The downside, as you can see from the above photo, is the presentation, which suffers a bit. Well, to be honest, I don’t have special fish plates, that’s why I served it straight from the foil.
Anyway, here’s my baked trout recipe:
Get two medium-sized fish. If you can arrange with the shop assistant to clean them for you, that’s awesome. If not, expect a bit of mess in the kitchen. I’ve got mine already cleaned and ready to cook:
Heat two tablespoons of olive oil. Chop one big onion and add it to the pan.
Cook it for about 2-3 minutes over medium heat. Add 10-12 chopped mushrooms:
Stir well, then add salt and some red hot chili flakes:
Chop 3-4 cherry tomatoes and one green bell pepper and add them to the pan:
Chop 6-7 garlic cloves and mix them with two tablespoons olive oil and the juice from half lemon:
Put the fish on aluminum foils, spoon the vegetable stuffing inside them, then pour this mixture on top of the fish.
Close the foils, so the fish look now like Egyptian mummies 🙂
Bake the fish in the oven, over medium heat. It should be done in about 45 minutes. Anyway, after 40 minutes, take it out of the oven and open the wrappings, then return it to the oven and bake it for 5-10 minutes more, so it gets a kind of crust.
Now, if you want to go festive, transfer the fish on special fish platters. The easier option is to just unwrap and serve it like this:
- 2 medium size fish (trout or any other fish of your choice)
- 10-12 mushrooms
- 1 big onion
- 1 green bell pepper
- 3-4 cherry tomatoes (or one big tomato)
- 6-7 garlic cloves
- 4 tablespoons olive oil
- lemon juice from a half lemon
- lemon slices (for serving)
- red chili flakes